I've been so silent here, in part because school has started and things are CRAY-zy, but also in part because I've been soul searching and imploring God for answers to this whole Homeschooling While Highly Sensitive thing. I didn't think I could blog without there being some purpose, some help I could give you … Continue reading This blog does not have the answers
Author: Amy
Introvert and Highly Sensitive Podcasts
During this crazy summer, listening to podcasts has gone a long way towards keeping me (sorta) sane. It's like having a friend come over to chat...I'm such a listener anyway, these one-way podcasts are very much like how my usual conversations go, LOL. Many of my favorites are not aimed directly at introverts, gifted, or … Continue reading Introvert and Highly Sensitive Podcasts
Weekend Links
Some links to wile away your weekend: Are You Motivated By Your Fear or Your Preference - from Sheep Dressed Like Wolves. Some interesting thoughts on when a person is being shy vs. introverted. How Generous are You, Really? at The Art of Simple by guest poster, Lisa Byrne. If you're a mom, you … Continue reading Weekend Links
Hot July Daybook
(This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure in the sidebar.) Thanking God… for sunshine for my patient husband for A/C (oh my, yes) for a miraculous two days of eating only when hungry and not having blood sugar crashes (much)...thank you, God. Praying… oh, just for the whole world? So many needs... … Continue reading Hot July Daybook
Weekend Links
A few links for sensitive souls... I did go ahead and make a Facebook page: The Highly Sensitive Homeschooler on Facebook. Yes, "likes" make my day. Taking a Break Before You Need It by Tara Mohr. Do you find your self doing fine, doing fine, doing fine, and then BAM! You are way beyond NOTfine? … Continue reading Weekend Links
Things I Learned from Putting My Kids in School
As I'm sure I've said ad nauseum already, this past year I put my youngest four (of five) children into our local Catholic school after homeschooling them all from the beginning. They entered 8th grade, 5th, 3rd, and Kindergarten. My 10th grader stayed home. As far as schools go, this one had a good reputation … Continue reading Things I Learned from Putting My Kids in School
The Homeschool Styles vs. HSP Series #2: Literature Rich
Welcome to the second post in my Homeschooling vs. the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) series: Literature-Rich Programs. The first post in the series School at Home, can be found here. --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are many types of homeschooling that use literature, but for the purposes of this post, I'm going to focus on the programs … Continue reading The Homeschool Styles vs. HSP Series #2: Literature Rich
Weekend Links
Breaking a "rule of awesome bloggers" to say I'm sorry for my obvious lack of blogging lately. All my energy has gone towards getting the kids through the last few weeks of their school year, and preparing my oldest for her first overnight trip to a youth conference. She has multiple, severe food allergies, so … Continue reading Weekend Links
For Low Energy Homeschoolers
Melody over at Blossoming Joy has written a helpful piece on homeschooling, and living in general, with low energy: How a Low Energy Mama Can Thrive Are any of you HSPs also low energy? I know I am. Sometimes I think having my defenses up most of the time to ward off a high energy … Continue reading For Low Energy Homeschoolers
A quick question while I'm working on my next post in the Homeschooling Styles vs. HSP series...if you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, what is it? Do you know any other personality "styles" you fit into from other tests and descriptions? I'm an INFP, and I must be one through and through, because no matter … Continue reading Curious