a.k.a It’s hard to blog about homeschooling when I feel like we aren’t doing any.
Is there a word for a non-update?
Two weeks ago I wrote that we needed a reboot. That I thought we had been “off” long enough and it was time to turn it back on again.
Well, life had other ideas, as it always does when I make plans to majorly up my homeschooling game. I mean, it’s eerie how often this happens.
There was lots of this:

he’s so tired from all my shoveling
And unfortunately there was also way too much of this:
All the shoveling totally wears me out. I’m still shoveling! So. much. snow! Between that and 4/5 of the children being sick, we have done next to nothing. The only thing keeping me from feeling totally guilty about it is that my school kid has been home doing no school either. Local schools have been closed for a week.
At least there was plenty of this:
and this:
and lots of yummy this:
Hmmmm…science, PE, home-ec, nutrition, health…maybe it wasn’t so bad afterall. But seriously, I plan on them opening some books next week.
What’s it like where you are? Do you take off when the local schools are off?
Ah my children would be so jealous of all that snow! We are having an enforced break too as I’ve just had an operation. It was a bit anxiety inducing for my boys but they said ‘let’s have an early holiday!’ So I have been given proper permission to take it easy 🙂 I am always amazed by how much learning goes on in these times, but I can only notice that if I ignore that negative inner voice about what should be happening! I’m going to have to work hard on not paying attention to that voice in the next couple of weeks! We have recently started following our local schools terms and holidays (maybe with a few extra breaks added in 😉 as my sons asked to. Last winter we experimented with being very relaxed and we went totally autonomous. It was a good learning about how structure or lack of it works for us. What was great about it was my boys have seen the benefits of having a structure. So we have a new way of doing things (school time in the morning, still partly following personal learning interests and free time in the afternoon) The boys have realised how it makes the holiday times so much sweeter!
I am new to your blog and I love it, thanks for writing!
I hope you feel better soon! That voice in our head that tells us what school “should” look like is so hard to ignore sometimes, isn’t it. We used to do the mornings for school/afternoons for self-directed things…and then everyone’s sleep times shifted, and I haven’t recovered! Lately they seem to spend the mornings sleeping later, then eating, and eating again, LOL. Maybe I’ll play educational tapes in their sleep. 😉
It’s so hard to keep structure in winter! My son has just been wanting to play in the snow too. I just wrote a post on picture books about birds that I thought you might enjoy with all the bird watching you guys have been doing!
Thanks for sharing your link, we really love birds around here. 🙂