a.k.a It's hard to blog about homeschooling when I feel like we aren't doing any. Is there a word for a non-update? Two weeks ago I wrote that we needed a reboot. That I thought we had been "off" long enough and it was time to turn it back on again. Well, life had other ideas, … Continue reading Reboot Update
Author: Amy
Bird Watching
Our area recently experienced Winter Storm Jonas (does anyone else think boy band when they hear this?) and by far my favorite part was the bird watching we were able to do. From the comfort of our warm home we threw seed onto the deck and sat back and observed. They were soon joined … Continue reading Bird Watching
Nine Favorite Picture Books About Snow
(this post contains affiliate links ~ please see my disclosure on the sidebar) In honor of the snowstorm blanketing the East Coast right now, I'm sharing our favorite picture books about snow. For us, reading about snow always seems to bring the same sense of calm anticipation that actual snow brings us. It's a loving, … Continue reading Nine Favorite Picture Books About Snow
20 Ways to Use Rory’s Story Cubes
(this post contains affiliate links, please see sidebar for full disclosure) Being the language arts junkie that I am, I bought three different kinds of Rory's Story Cubes. We have the Original, Actions, and Voyages cube sets. My favorite take away from my years as a speech-language pathologist is how to take what you have, and use … Continue reading 20 Ways to Use Rory’s Story Cubes
Did you try turning it off and on again?
My dh is an engineer turned IT guy. At least once a day we talk about the old IT adage, if something isn't working, "Did you try turning it off and on again?" Then we smile and chuckle about it as our children roll their eyes at us. 90% of the time it fixes the … Continue reading Did you try turning it off and on again?
Once Upon a Time Card Game
(This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure on the sidebar.) We love games here, but I don't typically buy them except for Christmas and birthdays. So I surprised myself by heading over to Amazon to purchase the Once Upon a Time card game on a whim. I'm so glad I did! I not only bought … Continue reading Once Upon a Time Card Game
Reading Challenge 2016
Are any of my readers doing Modern Mrs. Darcy's Reading Challenge for 2016? For several years I attempted reading challenges and fell woefully behind, typically quitting when I knew there was NO WAY I would ever accomplish the "challenge". I think my problem was I picked challenges like Read 10 Books in Every Genre … Continue reading Reading Challenge 2016
The Power of Observation
Now the holidays are winding down. Or maybe they've crashed and burned, and you are crawling out. Either way, people are going back to work, and you are probably starting school back up again, or thinking about it. This post-holiday time is a fantastic time to sit back and take some time to simply watch your … Continue reading The Power of Observation
Surviving the Holidays as a Highly Sensitive Homschooler – Parting Thoughts
How is everyone holding up? For many of you the holidays are beginning to reach a crescendo, with Christmas a few days away. Maybe others of you are done for the most part - enjoy watching the rest of us run around like crazy people. 😉 My one parting thought before the wave … Continue reading Surviving the Holidays as a Highly Sensitive Homschooler – Parting Thoughts
Rainy Days and Thursdays
Do rainy days get you down? I have a love-hate relationship with them, I think. I love a good thunderstorm, a really dense fog (as long as I don't have to be out in either), and whoever invented "thundersnow" should get a medal. I guess I like my weather interesting, energized. Within reason, of course. … Continue reading Rainy Days and Thursdays