Some links to wile away your weekend: Are You Motivated By Your Fear or Your Preference - from Sheep Dressed Like Wolves. Some interesting thoughts on when a person is being shy vs. introverted. How Generous are You, Really? at The Art of Simple by guest poster, Lisa Byrne. If you're a mom, you … Continue reading Weekend Links
Weekend Links
A few links for sensitive souls... I did go ahead and make a Facebook page: The Highly Sensitive Homeschooler on Facebook. Yes, "likes" make my day. Taking a Break Before You Need It by Tara Mohr. Do you find your self doing fine, doing fine, doing fine, and then BAM! You are way beyond NOTfine? … Continue reading Weekend Links
Weekend Links
Breaking a "rule of awesome bloggers" to say I'm sorry for my obvious lack of blogging lately. All my energy has gone towards getting the kids through the last few weeks of their school year, and preparing my oldest for her first overnight trip to a youth conference. She has multiple, severe food allergies, so … Continue reading Weekend Links
A quick question while I'm working on my next post in the Homeschooling Styles vs. HSP series...if you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, what is it? Do you know any other personality "styles" you fit into from other tests and descriptions? I'm an INFP, and I must be one through and through, because no matter … Continue reading Curious
Ssslinking Around
A few links for Sensitive Souls on a Saturday afternoon... Is Shyness an Evolutionary Tactic? in The New York Times Five Flavors of Homeschooling - a video from Simply Charlotte Mason "Homeschool" - "school" = HOME at Simple Homeschool Doing Nothing is Doing Something from Slow Your Home Now, take two slow, deep breaths … Continue reading Ssslinking Around
Seven Quick Takes – First Post Edition
.1. I can only stare at a blank screen for so long before paralysis by analysis sets in -- otherwise known as blog-writer's-block. So instead of waiting until some perfect "first post" scenario hits my brain, I'm going to jump into this blog with a Seven Quick Takes! So, welcome! I'm still sprucing things up … Continue reading Seven Quick Takes – First Post Edition