Just like I can't believe it is August already, I can't believe we are entering the 2015-2016 school year! Just yesterday I was a little kid thinking I'd be ancient in the year 2000 (31! Old as the dinosaurs!), and now I really am ancient and it's 2015. 🙂 I expect George Jetson to … Continue reading 2015-2016 Curriculum
Author: Amy
New School Year
https://instagram.com/p/52M-0ipvWF/?taken-by=me.the.seeker You'd think, after 13+ "first days of school," I'd know better than to expect a lot out of today. I even made it a short day, with few expectations. At least few stated expectations. Apparently what my mouth says and what my mind wants are two totally different things. I think I expected this … Continue reading New School Year
End of Year Recap
Looking back: Winter saw me ...developing a relationship with my newly found biological family. ...rejoicing as James T. was declared in remission of his rheumatoid arthritis. http://instagram.com/p/jwuM98pvab/ ...very half-heartedly trying to start a coaching business. By half-heartedly I mean pretty much not at all. ...trying to decide whether to bring my now-in-school kids back home. … Continue reading End of Year Recap
Merry Christmas
...and merry/happy every other holiday or event you might be celebrating right now! I'm celebrating the fact that my fifteen year old has two weeks off from school. 🙂 How is everyone holding up under the holiday prep weeks? I see so much self-criticism going on around Facebook regarding not "doing the holidays well enough" … Continue reading Merry Christmas
What We Are Using This Year: The Rest of Them
Always one to fall into the trap of treating my kids as a group, I've pretty much lumped the youngest three together as far as what we are doing for homeschooling this school year. I'm not usually proud of that "group think,", but it's working for us this year! These youngest three are: Julia, 11 and in 6th … Continue reading What We Are Using This Year: The Rest of Them
What we are using this year: 11th grade
2014-2015 will be my 12th official year of homeschooling. I didn't think that was a big deal, until this summer when sitting with other mothers from our Classical Conversations group. They are a younger group for the most part, and there were some ooohs and aaahs during introductions when I said how long we had been … Continue reading What we are using this year: 11th grade
Seven Quick Takes
! 1 ! "You can't command your feelings, you can only command your will." - David Jeremiah. My a-ha moment for the morning. Not quite an epiphany, because I already believe this**, but something I needed a reminder of this morning. And, as usual, within several minutes of typing this, God showed me how true … Continue reading Seven Quick Takes
A Day in the Life of this Highly Sensitive Homeschooler
Sharing a pretty typical homeschooling day in the life of me: a highly sensitive, introverted, gifted (read: excitabilities), middle-aged, tired homeschooler, with 5 kids from 16-6...several of whom are sensitive/gifted/introverted as well. Then there are the extroverts, setting us all off, LOL. I tried to keep a record of how I was feeling and what … Continue reading A Day in the Life of this Highly Sensitive Homeschooler
Monday, it defies description (a daybook)
Photos are from my grainy Instagram feed (you can follow me on Instagram here: me.the.seeker) Mondays - I love them and I hate them. It's hard to get back into routine, but in my mind it's only because the weekend is off the routine, which isn't Monday's fault. I like my routine. Happy chipmunk. … Continue reading Monday, it defies description (a daybook)
The Homeschool Styles vs. HSP Series #3: Montessori
Welcome to the third post in my Homeschooling Styles vs. Highly Sensitive People series: Montessori Homeschooling. Montessori schooling is something that is traditionally done in a school building with a trained Montessori teacher and a structured, prepared environment. However, with patience, self-education, and hard work, the Montessori style can possibly be brought successfully into … Continue reading The Homeschool Styles vs. HSP Series #3: Montessori