5 Things My Daughter Taught Me About Homeschooling with Dyslexia

This week is the last week I'm Homeschool-Teacher-Mom to my daughter. Next week she starts her semester at the community college for her last two classes of homeschooling...ever. This girl of mine, what can I say? I knew when I was pregnant with her that she would be special. I wasn't sure exactly how that would … Continue reading 5 Things My Daughter Taught Me About Homeschooling with Dyslexia

Bird Watching

Our area recently experienced Winter Storm Jonas (does anyone else think boy band when they hear this?) and by far my favorite part was the bird watching we were able to do. From the comfort of our warm home we threw seed onto the deck and sat back and observed.   They were soon  joined … Continue reading Bird Watching

In which the Highly Sensitive Homeschooler goes on a college trip, and decides she’d rather stay in her bed forever.

It was an average day, really. Nothing from the outside that would make it look like I should want to retreat to my bed never to return. Beautiful weather, kind people, peaceful campus. (Wait, that actually sounds better than average...) So what was the problem? My high sensitivity was shifted into super-overdrive. Pun intended. I … Continue reading In which the Highly Sensitive Homeschooler goes on a college trip, and decides she’d rather stay in her bed forever.